What a great turnout! We had 17 ladies show up for our FAC ski outing January 31! Sunny weather, and a fresh trail groom made the afternoon perfect. Plus, what a great way to meet others who also enjoy our Divide Road Ski area! Thanks for coming out!
Ski Clinic
Thank you to the participants, volunteers and a special THANK YOU to our instructors: Ellie, Valerie, Peter, Bob and Jon.
Full Moon Ski
February 10 CANCELLED
March ??​
Women's Ski
Check back for the next one
We raised over $3k to boost our ski area management costs.
A big THANK YOU to:
Montrose Surf & Cycle for hosting us at their store
The wax techs (John, Paul, Nate, Matt and Jon) who got those skis ready
Pomona Brewing and Shelter Distillery for the great drinks
All the donors of Silent Auction Items (we raised $1K on those items)
The amazing volunteers that stepped in and helped with set up, food, and sign ins and whatever needed to be done.
We are so lucky!
Thank you for your support!