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Maps & Resources


Anchor 1

The Divide Road Nordic Area has 12 km of relatively flat, groomed trails. This area is approximately 23  miles SW of Montrose.


From Townsend and Main in Montrose head west on Main,

Left onto CO Highway 90,

0.4 miles stay right on Oak Grove (Hwy 90),

0.25 miles turn left onto Dave Wood Road/6250 Road.

15.3 miles on Dave Wood Road to the intersection with Divide Road. (the ski area is about 7 miles beyond the forest boundary on Dave Wood Road)


You must access this area via Dave Wood Road. There is no access from Government Springs Road due to locked gates.



Parking continues to be limited at this time.

Please park parallel on the west (left) side (same as the port-a-potty), or park along Dave Wood Road. Do not block the private driveway on the west side.




You can download a free geo-referenced map through Avenza here.

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